Sean & Yssah’s


Reach your highest emanation of love through ancient technology and encoded wisdom

Welcomes You To

Egypt Tour 2024

March 21st – April 2nd


Super Human Love (SHL)

Do we know what Love is?
Then how could we possibly know what Super Human Love is?
We use the word Love as much as we say “Hi!”, does that make us more expertise on the essence of what this word is?
Possibly as a concept, however, what about as an embodiment?
What if Love as a concept is far distant to what it´s essence originally is?

Love IS

Love connects all through the essence, as love is essence.
Therefore, limiting it into a concept will automatically mean the misconception of it.

What about SHL, shouldn’t we know about something before mastering it?
Do we need to know enough about ourselves, in order to love ourselves?

Love does not condition its emanation on behalf of our actions, on who we are or who we are not.

If you limit your love to your actions, then it’s not love. Love comprehends we are not our actions, yet we are the present that determines who we are right here right now.

Looking ourselves through the eyes of the artificial matrix, is perceiving us as the way and the result in our actions.

We are given the universe as we are given a body, one contained in the other. The form in which we deliver that information into actions, does not perpetuate our essence; yet the actions we embody in the present, can only be free of and the pure transmission of who we are, when we comprehend this, and love is beyond our actions. Not for the pleasant ones, and not for the unpleasant ones.

Love embraces everything as beauty, this does not mean we fold our arms and drown ourselves in a lack of empathy or self-responsibility.

It actually means that if we choose to transcend into more and more harmonic expressions of ourselves, it is more likely we do that if we love and accept ourselves as wholeness.

This means that whatever we feel like transcending, we do it from a space of love instead of guilt or judgmental needs.

Subsequently, if it does matter, onto what extent we embrace ourselves: “Are we creating experiences or are we just remembering them?”

In the case, we are remembering them… SHL has been, ever since life was created. Life, as a human form, that would deliberately be set into an average model of what an undiscovered potential is.

An undiscovered potential immerse in the amnesia, as oceans fluctuating in the chaotic waters of creation (entropy), instead of the primordial water of creation. A mere choice, a progressive one, where timelines collapse to unite, to merge, in order to unfold into “more harmonic ones”.

We were both, we are both, we are one, we are the result of both, and both of them are the result of us.

The moment to remember…

SHL exists from the very beginning humanity was created.

SHL is a purer form of “expression” of what Love is.

So here we will not only be talking about concepts, and although we will discuss them thoroughly; we will mainly be focusing on the nature and implication of what an SHL embodiment IS. We have been covered up with information in order to satisfy the “apparent” need of knowledge, which is  absolutely “understandable” coming from a species which “Super Intelligent Nature” is “apparently” unsatiable. Intelligence enough to thrive?

Is knowledge enough to be happy?

Is super intelligence enough to be wise and love?

Moreover, did we come here to conquest knowledge as a separated form of consciousness from the wisdom, the heart, and the empathy that constitute the nature within, as the most human part and yet, also the most divine part of experiencing life?

So, what now?

… the moment is now.

Are you ready to experience your highest emanation of Love?

Now, the moment has come to expand these primordial frequencies of our heart that connect us to Pangea the Earths Heart, and to our SuperHuman Love origin.

Joins us in the path to expand SHL through the ancient wisdom technologies.

Unified Consciousness • Omnivision • Psionic League


YssaH ~ Sean Bond

Sacred Places of Ignition and Expansion

Luxor Temple
Komombo Temple
Esna Temple
Edfu Temple
Dendera Temple
Oseiron Temple
Philae Temple
Abydos Temple
Mount Sinai

And more

Dolphin's Island - Sataya reef
Grand Pyramid
Dahabeya by the Nile 4
Dahabeya by the Nile 3
Dahabeya by the Nile 2
Dahabeya by the Nile 1

What brings us together in Egypt:

Emanation and Expansion of Superhuman Love

Divine Feminine and Masculine Arks Ignition

Unsealing the Primordial Feminine Cube

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