Psionic League and Silver Chord Spiritual Science

Welcome to Psionic League Spiritual Science! Sean Bond is the founder of psionic league, and silver cord spiritual science. We are spiritual healers who aid others in holistic healing and spiritual growth.

Who are we?

We are a collective group with our own specialized area to make sure all of your challenges, changes, and growth is accessible under one umbrella.

Vast Knowledge

Problem solver and Spiritual Conduit for teaching others about multidimensional awareness and interaction with all their individual DNA technologies, higher functions and operation systems within anyone’s soul sparks/chards of their multidimensional self to help them manifest in the physical.

Psychic Healer

Sean Bond

I’m skilled at accessing the user manual for DNA technology of the body to track issues back to the point of origin, in order to resolve any problem happening to the body or may be accessed by organic, spiritual technology within each individual. I assist in creating operating systems to help individuals manifest dormant abilities that unlock their psychic potential and upgrade the body’s energy systems.

Art Specialist

Leela Willow

As a long time meditator of Zen Buddhist practices, she has acquired a wealth of resources through her many experiences. Leela completed years of Art Therapy training, earning the title Art Specialist. She enthusiastically incorporates the healing aspects of art into her shamanic journeying and practices.


David Manderson Marrow

I have been on my travels gone through so much. Many Experiences of dark into light. From death to resurrection. From project to path and from blindness to vision. As well as all who seek answers to life’s complex multi layered world facing unjustified deception. I’ve learned to hand to others what was instilled in me. A voice and inspiration a sound a colored eyesight.

Martial Arts Specialist

Lindsay Ball Baller

I have always known I was here to awaken spiritually, energetically, & recover the ancient wisdom, to purify and develop supernormal abilities. Unlocking and activating DNA potential. I have a great interest in how the imagination creates reality. I believe the martial arts world is important and those from it can help fight for and keep the world safe from the dark side and negative forces.

Tattoo Specialist

Buz Hasson

Buz seeks to weave spiritual healing into his work and to model a spiritual path through his creations and interactions with people, to transcend consumerism and superficiality with a message of the importance of self-healing.


Satisfied Clients

Years of experience


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Happy Clients


“Sean is very gracious with the cost of his work. Such a kind, gentle, patient, and powerful healer!”
I am totally amazed every time at the depth of his knowledge and abilities healing each problem I have had. [Sean] has worked to great depths, such as past lifetimes, timelines, dimensions, and places I know not, to find the origin of the problem and heal it, and using multiple skill sets.

A. Braithwaite


Psionic League Updates


Etheric Implants are Psionic creation of a Etheric Nature (or other energy type or bandwidth, not just etheric but mental , astral, light ect) created by a psionic user, consciousness or device. Made as a etheric construct that has an energy charge, programming form...


Release Trapped Emotions Trapped emotions are emotions we experience through trauma or being projected at us by others that most individuals are not ready to handle so the box them in and store them away in the shadow aspect of the emotional body experience we go...

Sean bond Show Jaypee

Sean bond Show Jaypee, Mars ,Timelines, Insect Whispering, Sacred Astral Objects

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